Run KubeSphere on Civo

Let's start with introduction of tools.

What is KubeSphere?

KubeSphere is a distributed OS (Operating System) for cloud-native application management. It is using Kubernetes as its kernel. It provides a plug-and-play architecture, allowing third-party applications to be seamlessly integrated into its ecosystem. It has many features. We will go through S2I of KubeSphere DevOps feature.

What is Civo?

Civo is first cloud-native service provider powered only by Kubernetes. It's cost is lower than other cloud service providers (e.g. AWS, Azure). It offers to create given below services:

  1. Kubernetes
  2. Compute Instances
  3. Load Balancers
  4. Volumes


  1. You have Civo acccount.

How to run KubeSphere on Civo?

  1. Login to your Civo account. You will land on its dashboard.
  2. Click on Kubernetes tab and click on Create new cluster button. You will see form for a new cluster.
  3. Fill form like given below screenshot: 1.jpeg
  4. Click on Create cluster button. It will take little time to create it. You will see given below created cluster detail page: 2.jpeg
  5. Click on Installed Application tab. You will see KubeSphere is installed and can see detail for it. We require to change firewall rules for it to expose to outer world. 3.jpeg
  6. Click on Manage dropdown and Firewalls tab. You will see firewall list. Click on Actions dropdown and select Rules option for your cluster firewall. 4.jpeg
  7. Allow ports in Inbound rules section as given below screenshot: You can refer to this page of KubeSphere documentation. Ignore ports that hasn't protocol TCP or UDP as we can't configure in this Civo cluster. 5.jpeg
  8. Click on Kubernetes tab. You will see your cluster list. 6.jpeg
  9. Click on your cluster name (in my case demo-kubesphere). You will see your cluster detail page same as step-4. Copy External IP from Cluster Information section.
  10. Open it in your favourite browser with port 30880. e.g. http://<externalip>:30880. You will see login page of KubeSphere. Fill default username admin, password P@88w0rd and click on Log In button 7.jpg
  11. You will see reset password page. I recommend you to change your admin account's default password. Click on Submit button. 8.jpg
  12. You will see KubeSphere dashboard page. 9.jpeg

Congratulations! We successfully run KubeSphere on Civo.